Custom Beni Ourain Rugs | Handmade Moroccan Luxury Carpets

Welcome to Afrikesh’s exclusive collection of Custom Beni Ourain Rugs, each piece a testament to rich Moroccan craftsmanship. Handcrafted by skilled artisans, Afrikesh’s Beni Ourain rugs introduce luxury and timeless elegance to any space. Celebrated for their plush pile, geometric designs, and neutral palette, these rugs perfectly marry traditional Moroccan heritage with contemporary style. Ideal for those looking to infuse their spaces with warmth, comfort, and a unique narrative, our custom options let you personalize dimensions, patterns, and colors to match your decor. Explore our collection today and elevate your home with the unparalleled beauty and craftsmanship of an Afrikesh Custom Beni Ourain Rug.

Checkered rugs:

(6) $370.00$5,240.00
(17) $370.00$5,240.00
(17) $370.00$5,240.00
(1) $280.00$5,240.00
(17) $370.00$5,240.00
(6) $370.00$5,240.00

Dotted Rugs:


Grid Rugs:

(3) $370.00$5,240.00
(7) $370.00$5,240.00
(2) $370.00$5,240.00
(4) $370.00$5,240.00
(7) $370.00$5,240.00
(1) $370.00$5,240.00
(3) $370.00$5,240.00
(3) $370.00$5,240.00

Striped Rugs:

(7) $370.00$5,240.00
(7) $370.00$5,240.00
(7) $370.00$5,240.00
(8) $370.00$5,240.00
(14) $370.00$5,240.00
(8) $370.00$5,240.00
(7) $280.00$5,240.00
(42) $370.00$5,240.00
(7) $370.00$5,240.00

Abstract Rugs:

Funky Rugs:

(6) $370.00$5,240.00
(1) $370.00$5,240.00
(1) $370.00$5,240.00
(11) $370.00$5,240.00
(1) $370.00$5,240.00

Geometric Rugs:

Tufted Rugs: